Do what you always do and only get what you always get ![](images/quote1.png)
Traditional Voice Solution only brings you Traditional Advantages
VVoice Picking systems have been used by logistics companies for many years. They have proven benefits such as improved efficiency and reduced error rates. In addition to these performance optimizations, voice solutuions allows for implementation of advanced picking methodologies, such as simultaneous and multiple order picking to further increase labor efficiency.
Over the last decade companies implemented predominantly voice solutions on proprietary, high-cost voice devices that were common back then. Most of these devices are capable of performing only one task, which makes them less capable of taking the step into future requirements.
As a result, many of these current companies are evaluating alternative solutions that are more flexible, can sustain future requirements, and most importantly delivering a lower TCO.
Next Generation Voice Solutions goes beyond the traditional borders
MMCL's Next Generation Voice Solution is build around significant and important key aspects which are making it a robust, high performance voice recognition solution perfect for use as the primary data capture method, even in noisy industrial environments. Use MCL-Voice to boost your workforce productivity up a notch while, at the same time, achieving higher levels of data accuracy.
What's more, the MCL Voice Solution can be used beyond the traditional 'Voice Picking' type of applications. MCL and MCL-Voice applications can be used across your entire mobile workforce -inside the four walls of your enterprise like in retail-in-store inventory taking applications, or in the field to assist-by-voice your repair staff executing a complex repair or a combination of all of the possibilities.
Does your warehouse process require advanced loading and packaging instructions? Or want to indicate your staff additional information which improves the quality of service to your customers, simply use your terminal screen to display step-by-step loading or packaging instructions.
Don't get locked-in with proprietary Voice Solutions allowing you to only do one thing,
MCL-Voice allows your operations adapt to increasing and changing demands of your customers
Next Generation Voice doesn't stop where others do
- No Lengty Voice Training Required -
Start Picking immediately with any of your Warehouse Operators, Price-Checking with any of the Retail Shop-floor Clarks, Postal Sorting with any of your Postmens, or any other Voice application without the need of lengthy Voice-Operator training.
MCL's Next Generation Voice Solution is a speaker independent voice system. This translates into instant productivity gain for your organization. For example, seasonal or transient workers can be put to work quickly to expand your organization's workforce during seasonal peaks -no lengthy voice system training is necessary before they can get started.
What are your organization's parameters regarding Flex-Workers?
The more your organization employes flex-workers the more you will benefit from significant savings and increased productivity by implementing MCL's Next Generation Voice Solution
Operating Modes
- Multiple Operating Modes -
Deploy a range of voice applications from voice-centric applications to multimodal applications combining voice, barcode scanner, touch screen, and keyboard data capture methods -all in the same application to applications who will assist your workers in executing (complex) tasks.
MCL-Voice Next Generation Voice Solution offers 3 different operating modes allowing voice to be used in a much wider spectrum of applications.
Not only will this offer a much better ROI on the entire implementation, your operations are not stopped from adapting to new requirements requested by customers or sometimes even imposed by law. Your Voice Solution will fit naturally with each of the new requirements
Voice Only
- Voice Only -
Voice Only is typically used in Voice Picking applications, without utilizing the handheld's integrated scanner, keyboard and screen.
The entire Voice-Dialogue between the Operator and the voice application is only done by voice commands. In many cases the industry standard voice terminal is fixed to the operator$#39;s belt and they can work entirely hands-free. Typically a mobile computer without a display is used in 'Voice Only' environments.
A picking process where no other data input is required can work perfectly in this Voice-Only mode.
In case your picking process requires input of lot or batch numbers, which are often printed in barcode format on the packaging, or if you would like to provide more intuitive feedback and information, like packaging and loading instructions, it is adviced to select a 'Multi Modal' operating mode as it is more applicable and allowing the operator to scan the lot-numbers and to see on the terminal's display an image providing guidance on how to package the picked goods
Multi Modal
- Multi Modal -
Multi Modal Voice allows Operators to combine Voice, Screen Information and Datacapture options, like RFID and Barcode, in the best way supporting their daily tasks such as reading packaging or loading instructions from an intuitive screen or scanning batch/lot numbers when picking pharmaceutical items. Next to this, Multi Modal terminal implementations take full benefit of the terminal's capabilities to work off-line, allowing you to continue your order-pick in off-line situations, e.g. in temporaraly warehouses, or to print immediately new labels to a mobile printer when preparing the shipment or when breaking down bulk stock into individual items.
Assisted Voice
- Assited Voice -
In Assisted Voice Operation mode the Operator is assisted by the voice system on each and every step of the tasks which are required to execute. Like in complex repair work activities where the voice system will guide the operator through a task list ensuring the repair will be executed according to the manufacturers pre-set repair plan or in healthcare environments where the voice system can assist nurses during patient treatment improving accuracy at the point of care, and or any other process list driven activities where accuracy is absolutely vital.
Reduce Application
Learning Time
- Reduce Application Learning Time -
Imagine you are talking to a 'black' (read:blue) box and you have no idea how the voice system will behave nor what you are expected to do or answer at each step of the process. Wouldn't it be much easier if you are guided by a screen indicating you what to do.
MCL's Next Generation Voice Solutions allows you to equip new voice oprators firstly with a voice terminal equipped with a screen taking them quickly and easially through the application. At each step of the process they can have a quick look at the screen and understand instantly what is expected of them.
Once the operator is more experinced they are equiped with a voice terminal without a screen.
This will bring your voice operators quicker to a point where they can entirely work independantly from a their supervisor which translates into huge savings and improved productivity
Re-use Implemented
- Re-Use Equipment -
Should your organization already have invested in mobile terminals for the logistic or warehouse department there is a big chance you can add voice functionalities and preserve these investments.
MCL-Voice Next Generation Voice Solutions allows you to re-use your equipment as there is support for a wide range of devices. Have a look at this section if your device is listed.
See Supported Equipment
MCL-Technologies is in close contact with the end-users using MCL-Voice and with the Partner Community who implemented the total solution at those customers.
This rich contact allows us to constantly evolve the product portfolio and to incorporate the latest technological features and functional benefits.
MCL-Voice, your Next Generation Voice Solution ![](images/quote1.png)
See what other features and benefits MCL-Voice can bring to your organization
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